Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Researching teen pregnancy and character development

 Hi! I got some feedback from my teacher and need to include more research on character development and teen pregnancy. Teenagers who get pregnant are more likely to face critical social issues risky behavior that leads to poor health issues, and child welfare than those who are older. Results from several studies show that young women who bear a child as teenagers are substantially less likely to complete high school than those who bear a child later on. Card and Wise, for example, found that young women who bear a child in high school not only were of lower socioeconomic status when they were in ninth grade but already had lower academic abilities and lower educational expectations than their classmates. These factors also predict poor school performance and poor later life chances.


For character development, I knew I needed more research. I stumbled across the opening sequence of "Boogie Nights" which effectively introduces the characters and their initial motivations, establishes the film's world, and sets the stage for the character development that will unfold as the story progresses. The film begins with a tracking shot into a nightclub where Eddie Adams is introduced. He is a young and seemingly innocent person. The choice of introducing him in a nightclub sets the tone for the adult industry backdrop. Eddie's interaction with Jack Horner and the offer to join the industry is the starting point of his character development.

Boogie Nights

I think I can try to develop a better introduction of my character by starting off with her daily routine. This is so that viewers can get a better sense of who the character is, what they do, and who they do it with. I think interactions with friends and teachers can help develop the voice and manner of the character. I want to Use the character's possessions to convey her social and economic status. For example, her clothing, (put together and organized) can speak volumes about her aspirations of being a successful student. By combining these elements in the opening scenes of my film, I can develop my character's place in society by providing the audience with an understanding of her situation, and help develop character throughout the story.

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