Saturday, March 16, 2024


Hey! So this is just a general update on what I've been doing and what I'm up to. I found all my sounds, (thank g-d) and I'm not going to lie, I've been a bit stressed. I talked to Mrs. Stoklosa about my song and she liked it, yay! I've been mostly stressed about filming as I want to finish filming by next week. I had a plan to film my flashback (bed scene) on Friday, which I did, and this relieved the tiniest bit of stress as it is only like 12 seconds. I talked to my teacher and she said it would be good to wear my outfit of choice on Monday, and during lunch, I will film the hallway scenes with friends. She suggested that I film the classroom scenes during 8th period (when I have her), and use her room and my classmates to make it come to life. She allowed me to have someone sit in her chair and act as the teacher, so hopefully I can find a way to get Dr. Pollino (a teacher I know) to film a couple scenes in the room. If not, I would have to use a student who, preferably, looks like a teacher. The throw-up scene can be filmed during any day after school which I will definitely do, and I will wear the same outfit that I wore in school so it is continuous and realistic.

Now, I want to go more in-depth and tell you about my bed scene.

I'm not sure if the bed scene is good enough and I want it to seem realistic. I put a filter over the flashback, by just using the photo app, selecting edit, and putting the "dramatic cool" filter. It's less of a black and white, with more of a blue undertone, making it seem more like a flashback.

Here are some different ways I could have made the shot look.

"Dramatic cool" filter

"Mono" filter

No filter

I also made the beginning shot a medium shot, rather than a close-up, to give more context of the background, and that I am in a bed. Everything else stayed the same.

I also wanted to show you some of the mise-en-scene elements that I used for the bed scene. I wore one of my dad's button-downs which I didn't tell him about because I'm pretty sure it's like really expensive but this is what it looks like. For bottoms, I just wore shorts but they are not part of the mise-en-scene as they are purposely hidden for the sake of being covered by a comforter.

Then, for my hair, I had my friend Lauren do a super messy bun, to give the effect that I had just woken up from a super rough night lol.

For makeup, I knew I needed to look super rough so I put Caliray mascara under my eyes, and my friend Lauren smudged the Charlotte Tillbury Pillowtalk lipstick on the side of my lip to give the effect that you know... I was kissing someone (ew).

Doing makeup on the phone with Madi for approval

Madi's FaceTime photo of me after putting
on the lipstick

Me on the phone with Madi to see what she is thinking of the shot so far.

Speaking of mise-en-scene elements, I wanted to show you what I will wear during the school shots to give you guys an idea of how Lily usually looks at school and an idea about how she is put together. I specifically chose jeans with no rips to show that she is reserved yet fashionable and the top is slightly cropped to show how she still fits in society and is trendy, yet modest.

This color top represents how Lily is loving, feminine, and compassionate.

This light blue color represents serenity, trust, and peace.

A high ponytail will represent how she is, hardworking, energetic, a problem solver, straightforward, and dynamic.

I learned about color theory from a Nearpod that my teacher did but for specific colors like light blue, I used the website below.

I learned about hair theory from this website.

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